Audience Building: The Linear Commerce Model For Sustainable Demand Generation

Growth Strategy
0 min read
August 17, 2022
Isla Bruce
Head of Content

Is your business model built for sustainable growth beyond the online data privacy revolution and transformational shifts in online user behavior? 

As paid customer acquisition gets more expensive and less effective, investing in organic customer acquisition and loyalty is the key to growth. Relationship depth now matters more than audience reach in order to sustain marketing ROI and business growth. Businesses built to survive in the post third-party cookie digital ecosystem need to flip to operating like a media company to achieve this. 

Linear commerce is a framework for modeling how brands can go about achieving this, so let’s dig in and dissect exactly what it means!

What Is a Linear Commerce Model?

Linear commerce describes a concept that’s not new in practice, but was only more recently labeled as a hybrid business model that’s part media and part commerce. It’s the brainchild of Web Smith who co-founded Mizzen+Main, and is a leading voice for linear commerce through his media and consulting company 2PM.

The premise is to first build an engaged audience, then sell a product perfectly innovated for their specific needs and tastes. In its purest form, the commonly accepted business model is turned on its head. You operate as a media company with organic content as your first product, building a loyal audience that resonates with your brand values, then provide an aligned product or service solution for the premise you have built your audience upon.

Source: 2PM

As this 2PM diagram shows, a business can launch a product or service without any existing audience, right up to a captive audience that’s already been sustained for years. Linear commerce models would apply to versions 3, 4 and 5.

2PM’s blog NO. 333 explains “The most viable companies across the digital ecosystem will share a common trait: established, organic audiences. Content and community are core to that outcome. For the well-executed linear commerce brands, retention rates will be high and CAC will be low.”

While product and service features or qualities are a fundamental part of customer retention, that’s only part of it. Consumers today expect more marketing personalization and values-led resonance in exchange for their cash, meaning that this model is bound to become ubiquitous as businesses catch up. Especially with Generation Z upcoming as the leading consumer demographic. They prefer online-born, content-led brands over their legacy counterparts by 40-45%

The Case for a Media-Led Business Model

Unfortunately for SMEs, and start-ups especially, relying on paid customer acquisition is becoming less viable as a quick-and-dirty growth mechanism. High CPMs and declining audience data quality across the board are a real sore point that the marketing community is being forced to adapt to. It’s part of the wider online data privacy shake-up, and Apple’s ATT framework in particular, which has put a chokehold on the volume of users that can be tracked, segmented and targeted accurately.

Source: Hootsuite

Data privacy measures are compounded by advertising saturation and user overwhelm which has fueled widespread ad-blocking, while a rapidly growing trend for values-led decision making further transforms consumer behavior. Online attention spans aren’t necessarily dwindling, but they are being redirected to higher quality content that resonates more deeply on a personal level. 

The value of linear commerce goes beyond the obvious benefit of an aligned online audience that’s primed for promoting products to. It’s also in the acquisition of an audience that simultaneously have higher retention rates and LTV (Lifetime Value) due to greater resonance and loyalty. It’s not that CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) is always lower for media-led brands. However, the differentiator is increased brand loyalty and a lower churn rate to expand the LTV of customers. The future belongs to brands that can manage their customer LTV to CAC ratio for sustainable growth. And if you don’t already track these metrics, it’s time to start.

The brands staying on the right side of these trends utilize organic, content-led strategies to acquire and retain more loyal customers. So, ultimately your goal is to create (or tap into) the perfect customers; they are called fans. Linear commerce, by way of leveraging pre-built audiences of fans, will help brands achieve this.

I’m sure you can see the benefits of having an engaged and captive digital audience that’s primed for direct marketing of your offering before you invest in supply. So, what kind of companies have successfully managed to use this model? And crucially, how would an established SME brand currently focussed on paid growth strategies go about it? Read on!

Companies That Have Successfully Adopted Linear Commerce Models

Let’s get some inspiration from businesses that have successfully led the way using linear commerce tactics. 2PM focuses on online-born and DTC brands. However, linear commerce works for practically any kind of business and media format!

DTC and B2C brands

Michelin actually put the linear commerce model to work over a century ago when they created a very innovative publication - the 'Michelin Guide'. The initial concept was a driving handbook that encouraged French people to take road trips, recommending restaurants and hotels to stop off at, and creating a market for Michelin tires in the process. It became a retailing publication in 1920, and of course, we all know the prestige of the guide today. It helped turn Michelin into a global brand.

Linear commerce brands often employ some kind of blog format. Social influencers are an example of the Linear commerce model in action, promoting sponsored brands and products to their audience. With the emergence of online content creators revolutionizing media consumption trends, linear commerce models can be rapidly outsourced via partnerships with content creators that have pre-built aligned communities. ButcherBox is a prime example. Their online meat subscription service delivers ‘100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, humanely raised pork, and wild-caught seafood’. They achieved rapid early success by focussing on partnerships with health bloggers who wrote in support of grass-fed or organic meat, then lining up an Instacart partnership as a source of additional growth.

Glossier is a $1.8B DTC cosmetics brand frequently held up as a linear commerce paragon, born from founder Emily Weiss’ blog ‘Into the Gloss’. Or take Gary Vaynerchuk. He used a video blog, WineLibraryTV, to build an audience that helped transform his father’s liquor store into one of the first alcohol e-commerce platforms. It reached $60M AR within 5 years.

It works with traditional publishing methods too. Tim Ferriss became a content king. He started an online business selling nutritional supplements before writing ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’, not expecting much from it. It was received incredibly well and quickly became a must-read for entrepreneurs and CEOs the world over. He turned that initial following into a self-improvement brand with millions of fans that sells a number of products and sponsorship placements.

2PM has ten more great examples of content creators turned eCommerce gurus for you to check out in blog NO. 252, including Goop, Buzzfeed, Barstool Sports, Gear Patrol and the New York Times.

B2B brands

Businesses that are able to invest in insights, original research and thought leadership can quickly rise in prominence in new sectors. Consider the ‘Big 4’ accountancy firms. They are collectively diversifying and repositioning themselves as strategy, data and digital technology consultants through content marketing that establishes topical expertise. Publishing original industry research generates broad media coverage, building brand awareness for them in this space. Check out the EY global homepage as an example, or the Deloitte Digital website. You’ll see how the featured content is focused on shifting established perceptions beyond their traditional accountancy offering. The initial focus is put on creating awareness through a series of periodical research reports and consistent PR outreach, using experienced leaders as the public face for interviews and blogging. After winning clients, the project scope will determine how they recruit or train project delivery staff.

Niche B2B magazines can also perform brilliantly, carving out a loyal audience for a brand. For example, The Furrow magazine was created by farm machinery manufacturer John Deere in 1895, setting their brand apart. And it’s still going strong today in face of the decline in print publishing by catering to the needs of its audience; it has a circulation of 1.5 million readers and is published in 14 languages.

How Can An Existing Brand Adapt?

Linear commerce is usually a primary goal for dedicated content creators who build audiences via social, blogs or podcasts - often achieved through DTC sponsorships. But how can existing B2B or B2C brands adapt?

  • Like the Big 4 account firms example, you can create demand through your own organic channels and PR before investing in the supply to meet it. 
  • Alternatively, you can rapidly manufacture more predictable demand to meet the supply you already have by tapping into existing audiences pre-built by someone else. 

Here is a shortlist of tactics to execute, focused on improving your audience's experience and connection with your brand:

1. Define a goal-oriented strategy - Develop a formal content (or media partnership) strategy that continually tests and adjusts. The aim is to create genuine connection with your customers and keep them coming back for more. Select the best-fit channels, media formats and partners to match your target audience’s online behavior. Less can be more in terms of audience volume, as long as you’re reaching the right quality of customer that will deliver the LTV you need.

2. Resource your strategy - Be realistic about the requirements needed to achieve your audience building goals. Get the right content creators on board, or build integrated marketing delivery with aligned media partners’ platforms. Remember that you’ll never be able to outsource your audience building to a partner completely. Your media partners may introduce you to customers, but it’s still up to you to develop the relationship using your own branded content.

3. Follow your audience - If you want your audience to follow you, you’re going to need to understand them, meet them where they are, and deliver exactly what they need or desire. Authenticity or genuine topical expertise is essential to resonate with your audience and provide enough value to keep them digitally engaged over time. Join existing social communities to see what they talk about, and what language or communication style they use. If they are moving onto new channels, be there early so you are one of the first relationships they develop on that platform or community. Can you use these communities to find a star content creator already part of the target audience to oversee or contribute to the creation of authentic and insightful content? Resonating with your audience's values is everything.

4. Be easy to find - Get your brand in front of potential fans on search, social and media platforms by being easy to find. Platform-specific search volumes, hashtags and trending topics will help you find compatible trends to tap into - evaluate them regularly. For search, if competition for the most relevant keywords is high, focus on related long-tail search terms to boost your listing up the rankings. Long-tail search terms tend to come from users with higher intent.

5. Lead your audience - Fans all have something in common; they are followers. Understand how your audience perceives your offering within the wider context. Inspire them by leading the narrative within your field and providing aspirational goals. Aim to be a trend-setter or on the leading edge of evolving trends, and tie them into your values-led solutions. Values can range from the selfless to more ‘self-centered’ or anywhere in-between depending on the financial, psychological or emotional drivers your audience have in relation to your offering.

6. Engage with your audience - The goal is a lasting relationship, and no enduring relationship can be built without communication. Direct interaction with your online audience will improve their perception of your brand and keep them engaged while also providing invaluable feedback and insights. A social media engagement manager can be used to help better create a community around your brand. Provide audience interaction on your selected social platforms, plus great customer service that builds trust. Open channels to collect feedback, and of course action it where it’s helpful. Your early audience is also ideal to test and improve your offering with. If you’re still refining the offering and need customer feedback, consider offering discounts where feasible to keep them onside until you get it right.

7. Tailor your channel content - Unify your marketing content campaigns across media platforms without being repetitive. Users won’t look at the exact same content multiple times; they will filter it out. Create a consistent brand experience that is suitably adapted to distribution platforms and user devices. Universal login functionality on your website will support greater user personalization - such as a cart, recommendations or premium content - across users’ multiple devices.

8. Put PR and WOM before ads - We’re certainly not saying you shouldn’t advertise; it’s great for helping you build initial brand awareness and deliver campaigns. However, organic reviews and positive WOM (word-of-mouth) mentions are more influential to actually convert new customers. Advertise to boost brand awareness and increase audience touch points rather than as a stand-alone lead generation tactic. 2PM has also covered the impact PR can have when launching digitally-native DTC brands.

9. Be patient - It takes time to build an audience and develop a relationship; no one sees overnight results. Keep at it, and track the data so you can gather the necessary insights to adapt and optimize where necessary. Consistency is key!

To round up, a note specific to B2B content. Research has shown that B2B blogs that create educational content capture 52% more organic traffic. However, your content does still need to connect with people on a personal and human level. Aim to include some personality within your brand that people can connect with while still striking the right balance with professionalism.

Are There Any Downsides or Pitfalls? 

The most obvious potential pitfall is the content marketing investment required to build an audience before generating supply and cash is coming in. When starting up a new business, entrepreneurs have successfully achieved this as a side-hustle before a full launch and quitting their day job. It absolutely helps if you’re passionate about what your business delivers, which will also help shape a brand that the right target audience can really align with and develop loyalty for. However, an audience is absolutely essential. And assuming you don't run a drop-shipping business, any investment in content is likely to be less than the costs of hiring delivery staff or purchasing stock before enough predictable cash is coming in.

For an existing business, are there any profits you can reinvest, growth capital available, or a partnership you can create to lead an industry or consumer research study? You can also minimize costs in early building phases with freelancers, and focus on less time consuming content formats. Minimize the pre-launch building phase and timeframe to whatever is realistic for your business. If you’re working with social influencers, finding the right match in terms of the influencer and audience alignment is key. Trial a few influencers in your niche with smaller investments to gauge which can offer you the highest converting audience.

Source: Fractl

If your strategy isn’t working right away, don’t stop; adapt your approach or tactics instead. Use your data insights and customer research to keep testing until you reach the engagement or sales targets you need to hit.

On the other hand, if your audience generation works so well that you have a sudden influx of demand, pushing for more too quickly may not be advisable. Scaling up and ironing out growing pains is a challenging transition for any business. In other words, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Take time to build your quality processes and delivery capability sustainably. Trust in your brand can be easily lost and difficult to recover.

Summing Up

The writings on the wall warn that businesses which can’t adapt to a media-led business model may find themselves on the bench in the not so distant future. You will limit your new growth potential within the digital ecosystem, and bleed less invested customers who are attracted elsewhere by the standard of content personalization and UX that’s expected. And at a time when customer acquisition is getting more difficult and expensive, loyalty and retention are the key for sustainable growth.

We have more insights on the topic of flipping your brand into a media company with the help of a robust content strategy!

It’s part and parcel of switching to first-party customer data vs. relying on advertising platforms; another essential marketing tactic following the curb of third-party cookies.

The team at Half Past Nine are passionately dedicated to helping our clients ride the crest of these transformative times to take advantage of its opportunities. If you think your team might need some support, give us a holler. We’re always happy to explore whether our team are the right fit for enabling ambitious growth targets.

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User-generated content (UGC) ads are a powerful way to build trust and engage with local audiences. Creating and running localized UGC ads at scale can help businesses connect more personally with their target market. This method leverages real customer experiences and feedback, making the advertising content more relatable and authentic.

Localizing UGC ads involves tailoring the content to fit the cultural and linguistic nuances of specific regions. By doing so, businesses can make their ads more relevant and appealing to local customers. This not only enhances user engagement but also increases the effectiveness of the ad campaigns.

To run these ads at scale, a streamlined process is crucial. Effective tools and strategies are needed to gather, curate, and distribute UGC quickly and efficiently. This ensures that the message remains consistent while still catering to the local tastes and preferences of different customer groups.

Developing a Strategy for Localized UGC Ads

Creating an effective strategy for localized UGC ads requires a clear understanding of how localized advertising works, how to leverage user-generated content, and the best ways to incorporate performance branding principles.

Understanding Localized Advertising

Localized advertising tailors messages to fit the specific needs and preferences of different regions. This involves understanding cultural nuances, local slang, and regional preferences. Marketers need to research and identify what resonates with the target audience in each locality.

  • Cultural Relevance: Ads should reflect local customs and culture.
  • Language: Use the native language or local dialect where possible.
  • Local Trends: Stay updated on regional trends and popular events.

Engaging with local influencers can also boost the credibility and effectiveness of the campaign.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) involves real users creating content related to a brand. This content can include reviews, photos, videos, and social media posts. UGC is powerful because it’s seen as more authentic and trustworthy.

  • Encourage Participation: Brands should motivate users to share their experiences.
  • Content Curation: Collect and select high-quality UGC to feature in ads.
  • Incentives: Offering rewards or recognition can boost user engagement.

Using UGC in ads helps build trust and shows real experiences with the product or service.

Integrating Performance Branding Principles

Performance branding aims to achieve both short-term results and long-term brand building. For localized UGC ads, combining performance branding can drive immediate action while strengthening brand perception.

This approach ensures that localized UGC ads not only engage users but also contribute to branding goals over time.

Execution and Scaling of Localized UGC Campaigns

To effectively run localized user-generated content (UGC) ads at scale, one must carefully plan the campaign structure, tailor the content for each market, and use the right tech solutions for efficient scaling. The goal is to optimize performance and reach the targeted audience with relatable content.

Creating the Campaign Structure

Success starts with a well-structured campaign. Begin by identifying the target regions and creating specific campaigns for each. Each campaign should have its own set of ads, keywords, and budget allocations.

Organizing ad groups by regional markets helps in tracking performance. For instance, a UGC ad targeting New York will differ from one targeting Miami. This setup allows advertisers to monitor which ads perform best in each market.

Use clear naming conventions for ease of management. For example, naming campaigns with prefixes like US-NY or US-MIA can help keep track of regional differences. This strategy simplifies reporting and optimization for various local markets.

Content Customization and Approval

Localized UGC ads require customized content. Start by collecting content from users within specific regions. This can include images, videos, and testimonials. Authentic, local content resonates more effectively with the audience.

A robust approval process ensures content meets brand guidelines and is culturally appropriate. Using a content management system can streamline approvals by storing, editing, and approving content in one place.

Ensure that all content respects local sensitivities and regulations. For instance, an ad campaign for Paris might include different imagery and language nuances than one for Tokyo. This localization boosts engagement and relevance.

Technological Solutions for Scaling

Technology plays a crucial role in scaling UGC campaigns. Ad management platforms like Meta Ads Manager offer tools for creating, optimizing, and scaling ads efficiently. Automation tools help in adjusting bids, budgets, and placements in real-time.

Utilize analytics tools to measure performance across different regions, adjusting strategies as needed. These tools offer insights into what works best, enabling quicker and better decision-making. Leveraging AI can assist in personalizing content and targeting effectively.

Adopting Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) can further enhance ad performance. DCO automates the customization of ads based on user data, making tailored ads at scale possible. This leads to higher engagement and better ROI.

Expanding your reach on Meta takes more than just regular posts. It requires creative thinking and innovative strategies. By exploring diverse audience segments and utilizing Meta’s range of tools, you can tap into incremental audiences that you might have missed before. These strategies can help you connect with new users, enhance engagement, and ultimately grow your presence on the platform.

For instance, leveraging lookalike audiences allows you to find people who are similar to your current followers. This can help you reach those who are likely to be interested in your content but haven't yet discovered your brand. Another effective lever is using video content, which tends to have higher engagement rates compared to images or text posts, thus capturing the attention of potential new followers.

Experimenting with boosted posts and paid ads tailored to different demographics can further broaden your reach. Meta offers detailed targeting options, enabling you to tailor your messages to specific groups. Using these tools smartly ensures that your content gets in front of the right eyes, driving growth and engagement.

Strategies for Expanding Audience Reach on Meta

Reaching new audiences on Meta involves optimizing digital campaigns and diversifying creative content. These strategies boost ad resonance and efficiently target broader or more specific groups.

The Importance of Digital Campaign Optimization

Optimizing digital campaigns ensures that ad spending is efficient. By tweaking variables like audience settings, budgets, and bidding strategies, businesses can better allocate resources.

Meta Advertising Strategies include using tools like A/B testing to compare different ad versions. Campaign Efficiency is improved by continuously monitoring results and making data-driven adjustments.

Broad targeting reaches large numbers of people but may lack precision. Narrow targeting hones in on specific demographics or interests, making ads more relevant to those users.

Creative Diversification: Enhancing Ad Resonance

Diversifying creative content is key to keeping ads fresh and engaging. Different types of visuals, messages, and formats can appeal to various audience segments.

Creative Diversification can involve using videos, carousel ads, and interactive content. This helps in capturing attention and maintaining engagement.

Enhancing Ad Resonance requires regularly updating ad creatives based on performance data. This way, ads stay relevant and appealing, reducing ad fatigue among the audience.

Targeting Mechanisms for Audience Precision

To reach the right audience on Meta, it's crucial to use targeting mechanisms that focus on age, gender, and geography. These tools help advertisers zero in on specific groups, making their ads more effective.

Decoding Age Targeting in Ads

Advertisers can tailor their messages to different age groups. By choosing the age range of their audience, businesses can make sure the content is relevant.

For example, a clothing brand may target teens and young adults with trendy styles, while a retirement community ad might focus on people aged 55 and older.

Benefits of Age Targeting

  • More relevant ads
  • Better engagement
  • Higher conversion rates

Using age targeting ensures the right people see the ads, improving campaign outcomes.

The Role of Gender Focus in Advertising

Gender focus in advertising allows businesses to tailor their messages based on gender. This is especially useful for products with a gender-specific market.

For instance, a makeup brand may direct ads primarily to women, while men's grooming products are aimed at men.

Key Points

  • Customizes ad content
  • Increases appeal
  • Boosts engagement

This targeted approach can lead to higher interest and sales, as the ads resonate more with their intended audience.

Maximizing Reach through Geographic Targeting

Geographic targeting helps advertisers show ads to users in specific locations. This is useful for businesses with physical stores or services tied to certain areas.

For example, a local restaurant can target ads to people living within a 10-mile radius.


  • Reaches local customers
  • Reduces wasted ad spend
  • Enhances marketing efficiency

By focusing on geographic areas, advertisers can attract nearby customers, making their campaigns more effective.